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 twM2Click( nClick, nButton, nWait, nRow, nCol, nStart )
     Double Click


     nClick  - 'N' 0 - no check for the first press. Wait the
                       specified period for a single press.

                   NIL or not 0 - wait for two presses of the button.

                   The zero parameter is used when calling this
                   routine from one which has responded to a button

     nButton - 'N' Button number.

     nWait   - 'N' Time to wait for the first click if requested and
                   the time to wait for the second.  One half second is
                   the default

     nRow    - 'N' Row for a double click. Defaults to the current row.

     nCol    - 'C' Column number a double click. Defaults to the
                   current column

     nStart  - 'N' Optional start time to wait for the first click ( of
                   either one or two requested ).  Defaults to the time
                   at entry.  This is used to check for double clicks
                   when called from another routine which has responded
                   to a click.


     TRUE if a double click occurred.


     IF twMFound( 10, 10, 11, 20 )  .AND. ;
             twM2Click( 0, 1,, twMGetXPress(), twMGetYPress())
           // do something

See Also: twSet2Click()
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson